In this quick tip tutorial we will show you how to create a cartoon, gold, text effect using layer styles in Photoshop. Let’s get started!
Tutorial Assets
The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial.
Step 1
First create a new .PSD document, 600 x 400 pixels in RGB mode, 72 DPI with WHITE background color. Now prepare your assets. Install the HVD Comic Serif font into your computer and open .PAT files.
Step 2
Go to Menu > Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options and use the settings below. You can also access Blending Options with two faster ways. The fastest way is to double click on the layer in your layers menu. Other way is to right click on the layer in your layers menu and choose Blending Options. When you are done with all the settings below, don’t forget to hit "OK" in the Blending Options window.
Next step in Blending Options is to use pattern overlay as seen in the images below. After you use the "whirl" pattern, you will see it is not centered with the background. Grab the pattern in your picture with your mouse while you are still in Pattern overlay blending options and move it to centre.
Step 3
Now we can start making our text effect. First choose a type tool and change font to HVD Comic Serif, size around 150 pt and anti-aliasing Sharp. Now type your text somewhere in the center of the image. You can write any word, but in this tutorial I’ll use "Lucky". Now it is time warp your text with Arc Style.
This text layer will be at the bottom of all text layers so we only need to put some shadow with Blending Options. Go to Menu > Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options and use the settings below on our text.
Step 4
Now duplicate our text layer. Select new text layer. Select the text layer in layer menu and go to Menu > Layer > Duplicate layer and name it as you wish. Now go to Menu > Layer > Layer Style > Clear Layer Style as we will make different style for this layer. Finally, go to Menu > Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options and use the settings below on our text. You can also use the quicker methods to access Blending Options from "Step 2" of this tutorial. When you are done with all the settings below, don’t forget to hit "OK" in the Blending Options window! This text layer will make most of the effects and must be on top of the first text layer.
If you are happy with the effect, you can stop right here but I’ll go a bit further and make it look a bit more gold with some highlights and background decorations.
Step 5
We are almost there. Now we need to duplicate our 2nd text layer. Select the text layer in layer menu and go to Menu > Layer > Duplicate layer and name it as you wish. Now go to Menu > Layer > Layer Style > Clear Layer Style as we will make different style for this layer. Finally, go to Menu > Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options and use the settings below on our text. Again, you can use the quicker methods to access Blending Options from "Step 2" of this tutorial. When you are done with all the settings below, don’t forget to hit "OK" in the Blending Options window! This layer will add more gold look and shine to our text and must be on top of the second text layer.
Step 6
You can optionally put some coins into the design and I’ll show you the easiest way. First of all SAVE the layer effects from the text layers created in step 4 and 5 into your Styles palette. You can do it by selecting the layer with text and going to Menu > Layer > Layer Style > Blending options. Now click the "New Style…" button under OK and Cancel buttons. Do the same with both text layers.
Now use your Ellipse Tool to make a perfect circle. To make a circle instead of oval just start making the circle and click and hold your mouse – hit and hold SHIFT and continue to scale your circle. Try to make it in similar diameter to the circle on picture below. When you are done just apply the style from Step 4 of this tutorial by clicking on it in your styles palette.
Next duplicate your coin layer and apply the style from Step 5 of this tutorial by clicking on it in your styles palette.
Last step is to merge both coin layers into one. Select both layers, right click on one of it and choose "Merge Layers" from the menu. When the coin is merged, you can freely duplicate it, scale it down or rotate it to make it looks like in the final image. TIP: You can always scale it down, but not scale it up as it will be blurred, so first of all duplicate the final big coin and hide it for all cases.
Final Image
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