Dated Released : 28 August 2013 Quality : BRRip 720p Info : IMDB Rating : 5.8 (1,316 users) Star : Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Jim Broadbent Genre : Crime | Drama | Mystery ----------------------------------------
By: icinema3satu
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A high-profile terrorism case unexpectedly binds together two ex-lovers on the defense team - testing the limits of their loyalties and placing their lives in jeopardy.
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Dated Released : 21 October 2013 Quality : BRRip 720p Info : IMDB Rating : 5.6 (300 users) Star : Scott Adkins, Mark Wingett, Roberta Taylor Genre : Action ----------------------------------------
By: icinema3satu
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An old firm leader returns to Green Street for Revanche after receiving a call that his little brother was killed, but is he able to cope with a new type of hooliganism and can he find his killer?
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DPR telah menyetujui usulan 65 RUU Pemekaran Daerah Otonomi Baru. Di antaranya adalah pemekaran 8 provinsi baru.
"Enam puluh lima RUU ini, delapan di antaranya adalah usul pemekaran provinsi," kata Ketua DPR Marzuki Alie dalam pidato penutupan masa sidang I DPR tahun sidang 2013-2014 di Gedung DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Jumat (25/10/2013).
Kedelapan calon provinsi itu adalah Provinsi Tapanuli, Kepulauan Nias, Pulau Sumbawa, Kapuas Raya, Bolaang Mongondow Raya, Papua Selatan, Papua Tengah, dan Papua Barat Daya.
"RUU ini akan segera dibahas mulai masa persidangan yang akan datang," ujar Marzuki.
Ada beberapa faktor yang mendorong pembentukan otonom baru ini. Antara lain adalah faktor perbatasan daerah dengan negara lain, jumlah penduduk, potensi daerah dan potensi ekonomi.
"Memperpendek rentang kendali, aspek pertahanan, keamanan dan alasan historis, kultural dan budaya," tutur Marzuki.
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Dated Released : 12 July 2013 Quality : BRRip 720p Info : IMDB Rating : 3.4 (207 users) Star : David A.R. White, Brian Bosworth, Logan W Genre : Action ----------------------------------------
By: icinema3satu
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After the rapture has taken place, JOSH MCMANUS (David A. R. White) is left behind and goes on a journey to find out what has happened and attempts to travel home to find his family. Before he can go anywhere, he is confronted again by the biker gang that harassed him previously and he joins forces with a young girl whose family has been taken up into the sky by God along with other believers.
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Swedish photographer and retoucher Erik Johansson is a favorite artist of many in the Photoshop community. His work has been described as a "genetic mix of Dali and Escher" and many artists have come to respect his work for both the quality of its execution, as well as the creative ideas behind each piece. I recently had the opportunity to chat with Erik in a Google+ Hangout. During our conversation we talked a bit about his work, his workflow, as well as a bit about his creative process. If you would like to learn more about Johansson, please take a moment to review this fantastic interview.
Full Video Interview With Erik Johansson
More About Erik Johansson
Learn how Erik Johansson gets his inspiration from his two homes: Sweden and Berlin.
Created back in 2008, "Go Your Own Road" is one of Johansson’s most-recognizeable pieces. In this part of the interview we talked a bit about the process that went into creating this piece, as well as what he might have done differently if he were to re-create this piece today.
"Fishy Island" is another older piece from Johansson’s portfolio. This piece depicts an island built on top of a giant fish. Johansson explains the creative process behind this piece in more detail during his Adobe MAX Keynote Address embedded at the end of this article.
During this part of the interview, we also discussed his Three Steps to the Creative Process.
"Set Them Free" is a more recent piece from Johansson’s portfolio. This piece was also discussed in more detail during his Adobe MAX Keynote Address. In this section of the interview, we discussed how important problem solving is to the creative process as well as how he was able to construct many of the props seen in the artwork below.
"Drifting Away" is one of Johansson’s latest pieces. In this part of the interview we discussed the behind the scenes video that he created for this piece, as well as the meaning behind it.
Dated Released : 18 October 2013 Quality : BRRip 720p Info : IMDB Rating : 3.0 (244 users) Star : Jonathan Bennett, Ali Faulkner, Stelio S Genre : Mystery | Thriller ----------------------------------------
By: icinema3satu
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Ajaklah istri atau ibu Anda rajin berjalan-jalan. Menurut penelitian yang diberitakan Reuter, dikutip Kamis (24/10/2013), berjalan-jalan ringan dapat mengurangi risiko wanita untuk terkena stroke, meskipun kebiasaan berjalan-jalan itu baru dimulai saat seseorang sudah cukup lanjut usianya.
Peran olahraga dalam melindungi kesehatan jantung memang sudah lama diketahui. Tapi peran olahraga bagi stroke, belum banyak terungkap selama ini. Walau begitu penelitian baru-baru ini yang melibatkan lebih dari 72.000 wanita berusia antara 40 hingga 65 tahun membuktikan, risiko para responden itu untuk terkena stroke menurun sampai satu setengah kali, seiring dengan peningkatan kegiatan mereka berolahraga.
"Ini merupakan kenyataan terkuat yang kami peroleh, bahwa olahraga mengurangi risiko stroke," ujar Dr. Frank B. Hu, seorang profesor nutrisi dari Harvard School of Public Health, AS.
Dr. Hu juga menjelaskan, olahraga itu tak perlu yang terlalu berat bebannya. Berjalan-jalan sudah cukup efektif untuk mengurangi risiko terkena stroke. "Yang terpenting adalah penggunaan energi untuk berjalan-jalan itu," tambah Dr. Hu.
Dalam penelitian, Hu dan sejawatnya mengamati data para wanita yang tersimpan di sebuah lembaga perawatan. Dalam pengamatan itu juga dilihat kebiasaan mereka berolahraga. Mereka kemudian dibagi menjadi lima kelompok atas dasar seberapa banyak kalori yang mereka bakar setiap minggu melalui olahraga.
Dalam periode delapan tahun diketahui, kegiatan fisik sangat berkaitan dengan rendahnya risiko stroke, meski yang bersangkutan adalah perokok, serta memiliki tekanan darah tinggi dan faktor-faktor risiko stroke lainnya.
Mereka yang berada dalam kelompok paling tinggi dalam membakar kalori, memiliki kemungkinan setengah lebih kecil untuk menderita ischemic stroke dibanding mereka yang paling sedikit membakar kalorinya.
Dan sepanjang para responden itu terus membakar kalori, tak masalah apakah kegiatan fisik yang mereka lakukan itu berlari, berenang atau berjalan. Tentu, menurut Dr.Hu, kalau jalan kaki yang dipilih, maka kegiatan itu harus dilakukan intensif, misalnya empat kilometer per jam atau lebih.
"Wanita harus memulai kegiatan fisik ini sesegera mungkin, karena efek kumulatif yang bisa dinikmati. Tapi sebaliknya, mereka yang sudah lanjut usia pun tak terlambat untuk memperoleh manfaatnya," tandas Dr.Hu.
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Dated Released : 25 October 2013 Quality : BRRip 720p Info : IMDB Rating : 6.0 (1,344 users) Star : Bill Sage, Ambyr Childers, Julia Garner Genre : Drama | Horror | Thriller ----------------------------------------
By: icinema3satu
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The Parkers, a reclusive family who follow ancient customs, find their secret existence threatened as a torrential downpour moves into their area, forcing daughters Iris and Rose to assume responsibilities beyond those of a typical family.
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You still have plenty of time to submit your haunted house to this month’s Psdtuts+ Design Challenge. Join our growing community on Google+ and upload your art for a chance to get featured in our monthly review.
This Month’s Challenge
This month to celebrate Halloween, we asked you to Create A Haunted House in Photoshop. Remember, the deadline for this challenge is October 31, 2013 at 11:59 PM EST.
Join The Psdtuts+ Community
Join The Psdtuts+ Google Community and upload your challenge submissions to the wall. Include the #psdtutsdc tag in your posts and feel free to explore past challenges, collaborate, and share feedback with fellow artists.